Photography Exhibitions


Friday, 11th November 2022 – March 2023

Ich habe von 2016 bis 2020 im Iran gelebt, vier Jahre, die mir viel bedeutet haben.

Ich wurde in dieser Zeit sowohl in Teheran als auch während meiner Reisen im Land Sonden Menschen warmherzig und offen empfangen um hatte viele schöne und berührende Begegnung.

I lived in Iran from 2016 to 2020, four years that meant a lot to me.

During this time, both in Tehran and during my travels in the country, I was warmly and openly welcomed by people and had many beautiful and touching encounters.

This exhibition shows some of those encounters with the hope of a better understanding of the Iranian people.


Monday, 17th February 2020
2 – 7pm
Convention Center of Al-Zahra University, Tehran

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.

I believe that culture and music can bring us, human beings, together.

One day, when I leave Iran, I will take with me the memory of the talent, passion and perseverance of the Iranian female musicians that have touched my heart in a special way.

Maria Rieger


With Open Arms

2 -10 December 2018
University of Science and Culture

This exhibition was about the people of Iran that I have encountered not only in my daily life but also whenever I explore Iran as a traveller.

In this day and age where the negative seems to prevail over the positive, I wanted to show people who have welcomed me with open hearts and have taught me so much about their culture, their talents, dreams and feelings.

Combining street photography and portraiture, I’m very grateful for having had the opportunity to observe and capture moments which will stay in my memory forever.

With Open Arms

12 -20 November 2018
Austrian Cultural Forum Tehran


Group Art Exhibition to celebrate the International Women’s day

6th March 2019
Austrian Cultural Forum

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