You have escaped the cage. Your
wings are stretched out. Now fly.
I really feel I can finally stretch my wings and fly freely again. I won’t lie, these last three years were not easy at all.
I couldn’t see the end of the tunnel and felt stuck most of the time, let alone think about doing an exhibition with real people attending.
But miracles do have the tendency to make an appearance when you less expect them so here I am exhibiting again. A selection of street photography and portraits from the wonderful four years I lived in Iran. Wonderful because apart from the amazing landscape and rich history, the people touched my heart in a very special way.
This had been planned before the recent events in the country. I am troubled and following the situation very closely since I worry about all the friends I left behind.
I hope the Iranian people will be able to find the best solution for their future. A future that should entail the freedom to choose their own path as they see fit.
This exhibition was in their honour and to show to an Austrian audience that beyond all the usual negative press and clichés about Iran, these are real people who want to make a better life for themselves. Just like the rest of us, they have dreams, aspirations and want to be successful, not only for themselves but for their families too.
The photo exhibition is in Upper Austria in Losenstein and will run until March 2023. It was a memorable evening, a great atmosphere with live music performed beautifully by Barbara and Ernst Garstenauer.
I’m grateful for the interest shown by the public when I gave a tour and told some of the stories behind the photographs. The feedback was great and I thank in particular Elisabeth Furtmueller and Susanne Patscheider for facilitating the exhibition. Here is the poster and some examples of the photographs shown.
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